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Farm Trainers apply here

Have a question?
I am unable to provide student accommodation, but I am keen to be involved. Are we able to share student accommodation with a neighbouring property?"Yes, subject to prior board approval. Terms and conditions apply. Contact us for more information.
Are we able to share a student between more than one property?Yes, subject to prior Board approval. Terms and conditions apply. Contact us for more information.
Do busy times on the farm take priority over the GFF Student Training Calendar?No. The annual training programme is compulsory. It is important to remember GFF Students are not employees, they are students on farm to train.
What happens if there is a personality clash between a Farmer Trainer and a student?GFF have processes and procedures in place led by our regional Liaison Manager to manage and resolve any problems.
Can a Student or a Farm Trainer withdraw from the Programme?Yes. Terms and conditions apply. Contact us for more information.
How many days a week is the student away from the farm?On average a student is away from the farm one day a week.   Students course day is generally a Friday but sometimes may differ dependant on Industry trainer availability. The Liaison Manager ensures this is planned in advance with Farm Trainers and students updated via a weekly email. The course days see students meeting as a regional hub for pup training, vehicle courses etc. (which may include consecutive days off farm) or may be an online lesson as part of their NZQA academic qualification requirements.
How many weeks a year are the students on farm training?The course is 44 weeks per year for all students. Students take a mid-year semester break for two weeks in July and an approx4 week break over Christmas
The students finish at our busiest time of the farming year. Are they able to stay and work over their Christmas break with us?Over the Christmas break tudents may choose to find a holiday job or spend time with family and friends. It is their decision, they are not employees. If you employ a student over the break or outside of their training hours then this is a separate employment agreement outside of GFF.
Is the student eligible for a government student loan?Yes. Students can access for more information.
How does a farm sponsor a student $200 per week to train?The Farm provides a monthly donation to the GFF Trust. Terms and conditions apply.  GFF administers weekly payments to students that increases throughout the programme to reflect their experience. Students do not receive their sponsorship payment over their semester and holiday breaks.
Who provides the student their six-week-old heading pup and six-week-old huntaway pup?The farm provides the 8 week old pups, in conjuction with the GFF pup trainers. The Farm also covers the costs of vaccinations, worming and kennels. These pups are owned by the Farming business until the student graduates when the ownership is then transferred to the graduate. Blackhawk pup food is supplied by a partnership between Blackhawk and GFF
Can we train a student if we don’t have any internet or wifi?No. The cloud-based Programme requires the student to have daily access to wi-fi.
Will a student provide their own phone and computer for studying?Yes. To be enrolled in the Programme Students must have their own phone and computer. Students are eligible for a student loan to cover this cost.
Will the student have appropriate gear for farming?Yes. Students purchase a basic gear list as part of course requirements including working boots, wet weather gear, farm clothing and Personal locator Beacon etc.
What qualifications will I receive throughout the 2-year programme?NZ Certificate in Primary Industry L2 NZ Certificate in Primary Operational Skills L3 NZ Certificate in Land Based Sustainable Practices L3 NZ Certificate Agriculture (Dairy/Meat/Fibre) L3 Employment Preparation Training Scheme L3 First Aid Certificate
Who do I complete these certificates through?GFF are partnered with Te Pukenga EIT, in which students undertake remote zoom class sessions with our EIT tutors.
What courses do I complete as part of Essential Farm Skills (EFS)?Vehicle training Advanced vehicle training Chainsaws Fencing Dog Training Financial Literacy Butchery Health & Safety Nutrition
Who carries out the EFS Training? Do I pay for this?The EFS training is carried out by industry specialists to a high standard. These courses are highly valued by farmers to ensure you are work ready. The cost of this specialised training is paid by GFF through fundraising.
How do I complete the assessments?Assessments are all done digitally, students are required to have a suitable reliable laptop.
How does the Sponsorship payment work?Students receive progressive payments until the student’s graduation payable during the 44 week academic year; excluding Orientation week, mid-year semester break and summer holidays.
Do I get input into where I am placed?Upon application you get to select your preferred region.
What does the Farm Business provide for my two-year placement?Fully furnished accommodation up to Healthy Home Standard Wi-Fi Power (up to $150/month) Farm Meat Pups x 2 subject to students capability Farm Vehicle (for use on farm only) Sponsorship Payment Rabobank estimate that this is a cost to the farm business of approx. $45k/yr
Where will I live?On your placement farm, or close by to your placement farm. The accommodation set-up differs from farm to farm. The different options include: - Own cottage - Shared cottage – either with another GFF student or an employee - Quarters – own room but shared facilities
Is there anything I can do in preparation before starting the GFF programme?The most important attribute to learning is having a good attitude. Skills can be taught but attitude can not. Other recommended requirements include: Physically fit – this helps you to adjust to the physical requirements of farming. Cooking skills – try and cook 3x/week for your family so you are able to confidently cook for yourself. Holiday job – no different from other tertiary courses it is important that you save as much as you can to help you financially through the two years.
Am I eligible for a student loan?Yes. Students can access  for more information.
How often do we have theory/training days?The average is one day per week off farm for either theory or training days.
What kind of personal vehicle do I require?You will need a road-worthy vehicle that has the ability to restrainpups safelyin order to transport them as required, this must also have a minimum of third party insurance.
What type of drivers licence do I require?Minimum required is a restricted licence. Each student need to be confident and capable driving on a Restricted licence. This is important to ensure you have the independence to travel home, attend training days and grocery shopping.
Do we have discounts for the required gear list?Yes, GFF are fortunate enough to have several gear discounts these are provided to students upon their acceptance into the programme.
Does my required gear need to be brand new?No – if your current gear is in sound condition there is no need to purchase brand new.
Who will help with training our pup’s?Pup training sessions with experienced and reputable working dog trainers is carried out regularly throughout the 2 years. The skills and techniques you learn at these sessions are put into practice on farm with the guidance from your farm trainer. The more time you put into your pups the more you will see them respond.
Who looks after the pups?The pups are your responsibility to care for at all times. This means you need to ensure they are properly exercised, fed and watered. You will be guided by the dog trainers and your Farm Trainer on feeding requirements and pups food is supplied to you at no cost. The pups will be fully vaccinated and the Farm Trainer will ensure all worm treatments are supplied. The Farm Trainer provides the kennels.
Who owns the pups?The pups remain the property of the Farm Trainer until you graduate the programme when you will take over the ownership. This sets you up with two broken in dogs (subject to your capability) ready to start into full time employment
Do students get holidays?Yes, the programme is 44 weeks long. Students have a two week semester break which aligns with the typical NZ school holidays, they also receive a semester break over the Christmas and New Year holiday period.
Still have a question?
Head over to our contact page and send us a message.
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